Lower Carbon Fuels Basics

Lower Carbon Fuels For Reducing Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Chevron Renewable Energy Group is helping to lead the energy and transportation industries' transition to a lower carbon future by converting renewable resources into high-quality, lower carbon fuels.

More on Biodiesel

More on Renewable Diesel

Why Biofuels Can Help?

The world population has grown to nearly 8 billion people and is anticipated to reach 9 billion people by 2040. With that growth we expect global energy demand to increase by 15% in the coming decades.1

That means we are going to need all available fuel solutions to be able to meet the increased demand for affordable energy. Biodiesel is one of those solutions.

Today, more companies are focusing on the environment and demonstrating scalable, lower carbon intensity business practices. They are looking at how lower carbon fuel solutions can help their companies reach lifecycle carbon emissions targets and also using them as a way to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

As the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, commercial transportation is a critical player in this paradigm shift.2

As a result, logistics companies and shippers find themselves in the spotlight, tasked with leading the way in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.3

That’s why this is an exciting time for the role that renewable fuels and various engine technologies play in helping fleets work toward their targets.

A Simple, Cost-Effective Transition

Our high-quality, lower carbon fuel solutions can help lower lifecycle carbon emissions and can improve engine performance — and they're easy to incorporate into virtually any existing infrastructure.

We’re positioned to provide a ‘fuel of choice’ portfolio to customers by partnering in their lower carbon journey.

The Chevron lower carbon fuels portfolio includes biodiesel, renewable diesel, renewable natural gas, compressed natural gas and hydrogen. Learn more about this suite of lower carbon fuel options.

Liquid Fuel Options

EnDura FuelsTM is Chevron Renewable Energy Group’s full line of lower carbon fuel solutions. This proprietary line contains five lower carbon fuels that can help you work toward your company’s lower carbon and operational targets as well as making a difference in reducing lifecycle carbon emissions:

  • InfiniD™ – This biodiesel product mitigates up to 100% of fossil carbon4
  • VelociD™ – This renewable diesel product mitigates up to 100% for fossil carbon4
  • UltraClean BlenD™ – This combination of renewable diesel and biodiesel can provide of of the lowest overall engine emissions of any diesel fuel option
  • PuriD™ – This ultra biodiesel product has carbon Intensity (CI) scores that are lower than petroleum diesel and allow for reduced carbon intensity now
  • BeyonDTM – This sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) has lower carbon blendstock for petroleum jet fuel

Future of the Fuel Landscape

What market factors will be at play for the fuel and transportation industries over the next 30 years? That may seem like a long way out, but forward-thinking organizations are already looking far ahead in this ever-changing landscape.

Alternative, lower CI fuels such as biodiesel, renewable diesel, compressed natural gas, renewable natural gas and hydrogen will play a vital role in the coming decades to help lifecycle lower carbon emissions. 

Lower carbon fuels are the future — and the future is here, now.



1. The energy transition needs solutions, scale and speed. Interview with Mike Wirth https://www.chevron.com/sustainability/environment/energy-transition

2. https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/fast-facts-transportation-greenhouse-gas-emissions

3. https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions#:~:text=Transportation%20(28%25%20of%202021%20greenhouse,ships%2C%20trains%2C%20and%20planes

4. Product is produced from renewable oils and fats. Methanol used to make biodiesel and hydrogen used to make renewable diesel and SAF are typically made from conventional natural gas, but can be produced from renewable resources.