Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions below and feel free to contact us for additional information.


About Chevron Renewable Energy Group

What Does Chevron Renewable Energy Group Do?
Chevron Renewable Energy Group is a leading producer of lower carbon intensity fuels, including biodiesel, renewable diesel and a blend of the two known as UltraClean BlenD®. We also supply fuels, products and services to transportation, home heating, power generation, agricultural and industrial markets.


Chevron Renewable Energy Group uses a global integrated procurement, distribution and logistics network to operate 9 active biorefineries in the U.S. and Europe. In 2023, Chevron Renewable Energy Group produced 408 million gallons of lower carbon intensity fuels delivering more than 3.8 million metric tons of carbon reduction. Chevron Renewable Energy Group is helping to meet the growing global demand for lower greenhouse gas emissions and leading the way to a lower carbon future.

I'm a Member of the Media. Where Can I Get More Information About Chevron Renewable Energy Group?
Visit our newsroom for our press kit, news release and media contact information.



What is Biodiesel?
Biodiesel is a renewable fuel that has been used for decades as a lower carbon alternative to petroleum diesel. It is made from a number of feedstocks many of which would otherwise have no further use, including recycled cooking oil, waste animal fats and vegetable oils. Biodiesel blends are drop-in fuels that help support strong performance and carbon reduction.
Biodiesel vs. Diesel – What's the Difference?
Biodiesel is made from a variety of feedstocks many of which would otherwise have no further use, including recycled cooking oil, waste animal fats and vegetable oils. Petroleum diesel, on the other hand, is a fossil fuel made from non-renewable sources. Another big difference is that biodiesel produces significantly fewer greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than petroleum diesel.1
Does Biodiesel Work in Cold Weather?
Yes. Many fleets use biodiesel blends year-round in cold-weather climates. As with all diesel fuels, proper storage including potentially heating tanks, and handling coupled with good winter fuel additives help fleets use biodiesel blends in the cold.
What is Renewable Diesel?
Renewable diesel meets the same ASTM standard as petroleum diesel, but it is a renewable fuel with much lower lifecycle carbon emissions and strong performance specifications.
How is Renewable Diesel Different from Biodiesel?
When looking at renewable diesel vs. biodiesel, the similarities are that the fuels are made from the same feedstocks and offer lower carbon intensity than petroleum diesel. The differences are that renewable diesel has a different production process and is a distinct fuel from biodiesel with different specifications. In biodiesel production, the feedstock is reacted with methanol to produce fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). With renewable diesel, the feedstock is reacted with hydrogen during what is known as the hydrotreating process. Another difference is that renewable diesel has no oxygen, whereas biodiesel does.
What Other Fuels Does Chevron Renewable Energy Group Offer?
Chevron Renewable Energy Group offers a suite of lower carbon fuel solutions to help you find a balanced and scalable approach that is customized to your business needs. You can find our product pages under the "Products" tab at the top of the page.
Biodiesel Dictionary
Like any industry, biodiesel has its own jargon that can be confusing to a newcomer. Don’t let this be a barrier to learning more about how biodiesel could benefit your operation with its lower emissions, strong performance and competitive price. Here are definitions of common terms in the biodiesel industry.



Does Chevron Renewable Energy Group Supply Fuel in Addition to Producing It?
Yes. In addition to having a network of biodiesel facilities in the U.S., we also have fuel terminal locations from coast to coast. Our national supply and logistics capabilities allow for on-demand fuel delivery, including a dedicated rail car fleet and fleet partnerships.
How Do I Purchase Fuel from Chevron Renewable Energy Group?
Getting started is easy. Complete our purchase inquiry form and someone from Chevron Renewable Energy Group will follow up with you.
How Can I Become A Feedstock Supplier for Chevron Renewable Energy Group?
Chevron Renewable Energy Group is always looking for reliable feedstock suppliers to provide the resources  needed to make our fuel. Visit our feedstock supplier page to learn more.


Working at Chevron Renewable Energy Group

Where is Chevron Renewable Energy Group Located?
Chevron Renewable Energy Group hub is in Ames, Iowa. We also have offices and production facilities in several other locations in the U.S. and Europe.
How Do I Apply for a Job at Chevron Renewable Energy Group?
You can search for and apply for jobs at Chevron Renewable Energy Group on the employment section of our website here.


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