Biofuels: An Available Solution From Pit to Port


Chevron Renewable Energy Group is providing liquid fuels to help power the lower carbon energy journey. With leading-edge quality, go-to-market agility, lower carbon intensity solutions and strategic partnerships, we’re helping drive awareness across the entire transportation supply chain.

In recent years more transportation partners have responded to regulatory, market and competitive pressures to lower Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by embarking on a lower carbon journey — implementing lower carbon intensity biofuels in their operations and fleets.

Biofuels are an immediate and effective solution to lowering GHG emissions because they can be used across the entire supply chain — from hauler trucks, to generators, to processing plants, to locomotives, to the marine vessels, and to the trucks that bring the goods across the last mile.

The following animation showcases the connection between various activities in the transportation supply chain — and how biofuels can be used to help reduce GHG emissions from pit to port. Fueling with biofuels provides innovative solutions to help deliver reduced carbon intensity while maintaining operations through:

  • fueling infrastructure – which is growing in availability and requires little to no changes
  • operations and maintenance – offering virtually seamless integration in operations and full fuel flexibility
  • engine technology biofuels can be used in today's technology with little to no changes

Additionally, biofuels:

  • can help improve overall engine performance — for example, biodiesel can improve lubricity, which helps protect against engine wear and tear, and can help reduce maintenance costs.
  • can result in beneficial additions to operations, due to their cost-effectiveness and performance.

Learn More About How Biofuels Can Help Reduce GHG Emissions From Pit to Port

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